Life & Death Brigade

In Omnia Paratus (Ready For Anything)

The 'Life and Death Brigade', a termed coined from a very exciting episode of the Gilmore Girls, is a group (not a cult) that can be described as an outfit of people who wish to bring life and adventure to their lives, usually (but not always) in the form of extreme activities.

My hopes for the L&D Brigade were to start local; a Fishing Trip or Skydiving expedition here and there, then go National; head to Melbourne for the Formula One or over to Alice Springs to climb Uluru, and finally when the L&D gang was famously huge and everybody wanted to be a part of it I would take it to the International level and go Running with the Bulls in Spain.

Quite a large dream for such a small person, but I figured if I wanted to go crazy and tick some things off the bucket list then there must be others out there who feel the same....alas, I was wrong.

I started with a MySpace site and put the word out there to my family and friends asking for ideas for our first endeavour. I became members of 'RedBalloon' and 'Adrenelin' to take advantage of group specials and having someone else do most of the organising for you.

'I have to work', 'I'm tired', 'I can't afford it'....the excuses mounted and my enthusiasm dwindled. People were raining all over my parade. So I went without them!

The best experience so far - definitely Skydiving!